2023 Bond Fact Sheet

On February 13, 2023 the Nixon-Smiley CISD School Board voted unanimously to propose a bond election.
On May 6, 2023, the Nixon-Smiley CISD community will vote on the District’s proposed bond package.

Our goal is to be transparent in providing our community with information regarding the May 2023 bond. We invite you to learn more about it here, and contact us if your question is not answered below.

Why do our students and our community need this bond?

As the school environment and needs change, we need to ensure that our district is doing all we can to make sure our students are safe and prepared for life after graduation.

5 separate propositions

$0.00 tax rate increase

total amount $37, 928, 850

So, what will this bond do for our students?

bus barn

classroom with kitchen prep areas

close-ups of baseball bleachers

Concession stand

football players running onto field

NSCISD Bond 2023 Video

NSCISD Propuestas sobre el bono 2023

Frequently Asked Questions:

Voting Ends at 7pm on May 6th

Voting locations include Nixon Aphne Pattillo Public Library, Smiley Volunteer Fire Department and the Leesville Cemetery Association.